Frequently Asked Questions
How can I get in touch with the MC-SD team?
You can find detailed information on our website, be sure to check the Terms and Conditions of Use. If you still have questions, we recommend you to contact us by email (contact@megacities-shortdocs.org).
Over the years we have established a rich network of local coordinators and helpers around the world. We will make sure to put you in touch with the one closest to you, if you need additional support.
How can I enter the contest?
All applications must follow these two steps:
- Register through our website. Fill in the registration form online. We would like to bring your attention to the fact that this is a mandatory step. In addition, we recommend you do so as soon as you decide to participate in the contest, for it will allow us to reach out for any updates and closely follow you and your ShortDoc.
- Upload your ShortDoc on the shortfilmdepot platform before the deadline. if needed, you can follow this tutorial.
In which cities can I shoot my ShortDoc?
The ShortDoc must be shot in a urban environment. It can be in any city of the world, except for The Best MegaCities-ShortDoc Award, which is only open to ShortDocs shot in a megacity, and The Greater Paris Metropolis Prize, which is only open to ShortDocs shot in the Greater Paris area.
Who can participate in the MC-SD competition?
Applications are open to all : individuals, organizations and cities as well!
There is a special prize for students. If you are a student, please make sure to present
a student card or certificate to prove your status.
What is the difference between an award and a prize?
When you enter the MC-SD contest, you are eligible for three awards and three special prizes. The Awards are the official recognitions of the Megacities-ShortDocs festival, and are given by an international professional jury. The special prizes are given by our partners according to specific criteria, which you can find the details in the T&C or in the "Make a shortdoc" tab.
What are the key dates of the Festival?
January 15th 2024 : deadline to register on our website and to upload your ShortDoc on shortfilmdepot.com.
February 15th 2024 : results of the pre-selection process of 50 films by our team.
March 15th 2024 : results of the selection process of 15 nominees by an international professional Jury.
May 22rn 2024 : the nominees are screened at the Paris Award Ceremony, and the winners are awarded.
May 24th 2024 : 3 of the winners are going to the Cannes Film Festival. Their films will be screened as part of the 8th Positive Cinema Week
Where and when will the award ceremony take place?
For the 9th edition, the award ceremony is scheduled for
May 22nd, 2024 in Paris.
3 of the winners are going up the steps of the Cannes Film Festival on May 24th 2024. Their films will be screened as part of the 8th Positive Cinema Week