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Best Positive
ShortDoc Award

Edition 8 - 2022

Be the blessing


Mat Cerf


Be The Blessing follows Randy Miller, a man who has dedicated his life to giving haircuts to fellow unhoused individuals, as he searches for God’s blessing by doing good. Weaving together themes of faith, family, and service, the film examines the power of purpose, faith, and the complex human dynamics a the center of America’s housing crisis.

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Je suis là


Clarisse Girardet, Ugo Dirrig, Michel Roullier, Mathis Faudrit, Mathieu Delvalet ​


What are the consequences of one click? How can a simple home delivery order affect the daily lives of others? In this documentary, entitled "Je suis là", M takes us into his precarious life as an undocumented delivery driver, living in fear and condemned to obey an algorithm in order to earn a small salary...

Best ShortDoc Award
Edition 7 - 2021

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